Bedford Bulldog Athletic Booster Club Fundraisers
The Bedford Bulldogs Athletic Booster Club (BBABC) fundraisers provide essential support for Bedford High School athletes and sports teams, funding needs that are not covered by the school’s athletic budget. Based on the funds raised by each team, coaching staff can submit funding requests for equipment and other needs to the BBABC, following approval by the BHS Athletic Director. For a comprehensive list of what we have funded over the years, click here.
In addition to membership support, we raise funds through various team fundraisers each season. Examples include sales of raffle calendars, coupon books, discount cards, sports ticket packages and cash prizes. A large percentage of the money raised from these sales is returned directly to the teams, allowing them to use the funds at their discretion. This structure enables motivated teams to raise significant money to cover “extras” such as sportswear, coach clinics, team trips, banquets, or items on their “wish list.”
If you are so inclined, you can also make a donation to the program here.